Tag: off-season

Safety Bots

About 2 months ago we wrote about our mechanical training and safety. Our students were building small robots using parts we had around the shop. These would give them a chance to complete safety passports for various tools, gain familiarity with techniques, and make a little RC robot. In the last week before the holidays,

Field Reset

2018 was a great season for Celt-X, our best one yet. However, as the days of December wind down, it is time to put PowerUp behind us and to get ready to adventure into Deep Space. This past weekend, we were joined by members of Makeshift (4039) and Newman Robotics (4618) to tear down the

Learning to Program – Part 2

In a previous post, we described a process that we hoped to undertake in order to get more of our students writing an auto. Over the early part of December, we saw of some of these plans come to fruition, and saw some of the first autos from our our students. We had around 10

Learning to Program

Over the years we have had some great programming students on our team. We find, however, that our programmers already knew how to program before joining. This year, several of our programmers have graduated – but we have many new students who have expressed an interest in learning to program. Historically, we haven’t had a

Safety training in the snow

It was the first snowfall of the season, and with it came the awe and inspiration of… a hockeyBot! Yesterday wasn’t the best day weather-wise, but we still had a number of eager students show up to get started on our pre-season build project. For the past few years, we have spent 5-6 meetings covering

Celt-X Takes on The CNE

This past weekend, Celt-X competed at the first robotics expo at the CNE. Teams from around the province gathered to showcase their robots and to amaze the crowds with the amazing creations of high school students. With Friday being a working day for most people, we opted to only attend the Saturday and Sunday parts